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Racing has taken place in the area around Chemnitz, Germany since the 1920s. The more modern circuit of Sachsenring, 8km west of the town, was built in 1996 and hosted its first MotoGP â„¢ race in 1998. The track underwent a significant update in 2001. Its numerous tight corners make it a challenge for MotoGP’s technicians, with a spectacular plunging downhill right-hander nicknamed ‘The Waterfall’ giving riders plenty to focus on.
In Germany races attract huge crowds, and the country has produced many talented riders over the years such as Anton Mang, Rolf Waldmann and Dieter Braun. 2011 Moto2 â„¢ World Champion Stefan Bradl and 2012 Moto3 â„¢ title winner Sandro Cortese continue the success story in more recent times.
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